Shoot 4 Cause


2013 showed Artist Ian Horncastle opportunities to work with some of Australia's well known Tv ,Sports celebrities International Music Artist . All for a good cause! Photographer Sydney

Men In Uniform projects supporting a good cause

Raising Funds for Lifeline Australia Photographer Sydney

2013 showed Artist Ian Horncastle opportunities to work with some of Australia's well known Tv ,Sports celebrities International Music Artist . All for a good cause! Photographer Sydney
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Current Projects 4 A Good Cause!
​​​Ian is constantly seeking new innovative ideas and collaborations with Models around the world, Ian is commercially, technically and creatively knowledgeable with diverse contacts and influence from many Artists around the world, this is why Ian thrives to succeed in the business of raising funds and supporting local communities through his Art and imagination of photography.

2012 /13 Will see Ian head to Queensland to complete a Photo project with a twist, and work on a further Men In Uniform project in Sydney .

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Lifeline Australia

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